Find Your Purpose

The Purpose of Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. — Gautama Buddha

If we haven’t given our whole heart and soul to something, then we haven’t found our purpose. Besides, it’s never too late to find our purpose as long as we’re alive. If we want our remaining days or years to be meaningful, then we ought to make it our purpose to find what is our heart’s desire in life. Our soul is waiting for us to make the move if we haven’t done so already. Everyone is different when it comes to finding a purpose. One person may want to assist the homeless while another may want to save the environment. We all have unique talents like no other that can bring out our purpose in life. We shouldn’t waste our talents when we can use them for the benefit of ourselves and others.


[bctt tweet=”Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. — Gautama Buddha”]

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