Ericksonian Fable:The Roadrunner

Roadrunner on Rock

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A roadrunner was not having luck in finding prey. When he saw a hawk from the sky that dove to scoop up a rodent, he thought to himself “If only I could fly like the hawk, then maybe I could have spotted that rodent.”

The old man heard him and stated, “Of course you can’t fly like a hawk; you have the smallest wings for a big bird as you.”

“But why settle for just rodents when a roadrunner is known to swallow a rattlesnake,” asked the old man.

“Don’t you know when you expand your wings; they’re shaped like a matador’s cape. When a matador uses his cape, he lures a bull in for a series of attacks. The rattlesnake will not care if you can fly, all it will be concern about is what are you going to do with those wings of yours.”

After several days without anything to eat, the roadrunner saw a rattlesnake swallowing a rodent.

“I can’t permit a hawk and now rattlesnake to eat all the rodents,” said the roadrunner.

So the roadrunner confronted the rattlesnake and started flapping his wings and before the rattlesnake started to rattle its tail, the roadrunner quickly snatched its tail with his beak and started whip lashing the rattlesnake’s head against the ground until it was dead.  Then the roadrunner slowly swallowed down the rattlesnake.















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