Center First Then Act

i saw william blake at the center of everything : dolores park, san francisco (2012)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Stay centered by accepting whatever happens to you. This is the ultimate.” ~Chuang Tzu

It’s easier to react than to be proactive in a difficult situation. But before we can be proactive, we must be centered to be effective. When we’re in control of ourselves, we can better assess the situation effectively and discern quickly what we can do in a difficult situation.

When we react, we make things worse. Reaction to a situation is only our attempt to find control. Because we think if we can control what is making us react, then we have solved the problem.

If we can take a step back then we can see better the scope of the event. If we take a deep breath, then we can think quickly, since more oxygen is send to the brain.

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