Flexibility is Creativity

white light

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Where there is creativity, there is flexibility. In other words, we must be flexible to create creativity.  It is all right to allow our minds to wonder and brainstorm about things.  Brainstorming allows us to imagine things without restrictions. Kids do this all the time. We were once kids. So if we can look back and to see ourselves as children imagining what it would be like to do this  or that—and we can pretend. When we pretended as children, we gave ourselves permission to be what we wanted to be because we wanted to know what it would be like. As children we can go as far as we can imagine ourselves to be doing something wonderful and fulfilling.  Creativity is a way to give ourselves back our freedom in life because as adults we get so involved with our fast-paced life that we forget that we can slow down our pace and think about the wonderment of life.


All The Wonders

Green Grass

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“All the wonders you seek are within yourself.”— Sir Thomas Browne

It is how we perceive and discover new things through our experiences that make us excited about life. It is through our senses that we get the information from external events, but it is through our criteria or our filters that we perceive things in our own unique way. Our self-discovery is learning how to expand our view so we can see what we have been missing over the years.  Those experiences are collected by our unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind releases these learnings through our dreams as a reminder to ourselves that we have the resources from within to do great things.




Curiosity Saves The Cat

Written by Eugene Morgan

Milton Erickson uses curiosity as a carrot stick to lure the conscious mind away.  His goal is to bypass the conscious mind to get to the unconscious mind. He tells his subjects interesting facts or stories to create curiosity and suspense to keep the conscious mind attended. Erickson understands that the first part of the process of learning is to create an atmosphere of curiosity. Curiosity stimulates learning not only for our conscious mind but also for our unconscious mind. Curiosity is an infatuation to the mind. We need to know and to explore what we don’t understand.  It’s a sort of pleasure that the mind gets when there is a new discovery.  Curiosity is like we’re on the verge of a new discovery.