Using Our Unique Abilities

On the edge of ability

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You are the only person on Earth who can use your ability.”— Zig Ziglar

This is an intriguing quote. Every one of us has unique abilities. We each have the opportunity to use our abilities each day of our lives. Using our abilities is our way of self-expression of becoming more of our selves. It is okay to allow ourselves to express abilities in this way since it is ours to begin with. When we’re becoming more of ourselves, we have no need to feel envious of someone else’s abilities. We all have expressed admirations towards another person. It’s okay to be influenced by another person’s abilities because it is a good model to follow how we can enhance our own abilities. Our abilities are uniquely ours to use and that we can use them to help better others and ourselves for a greater good.


[bctt tweet=”You are the only person on Earth who can use your ability.— Zig Ziglar”]