Experience Enlightens the Mind


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best way to get an understanding about life or about anything, we must go through some sort of experience. Book learning is good but we can only go so far with it. We both need information from a book and information from our experiences. Experiences help us to widen our scope on things. We begin to see things in a different light or angle that we haven’t seen before. When our perspective starts to change, we see that we have more options, thus more opportunities. It is hard to see opportunities when our view is narrow. It is hard to understand how someone continuously succeeds in life. This is because the person’s success was based on a certain mind set. It was a mind-set that creates an atmosphere of success. It is a bit of a combination of a mind-set, some information, determination and executing a plan.


The Right Use Of Knowledge

Wisdom is ... knowing when to say "I'm sorry!"

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

‘Wisdom is the right use of knowledge.’— Charles H. Spurgeon

Although acquiring knowledge is a good start to understanding wisdom, we won’t get a true understanding until we apply our knowledge to everyday life. The right use of knowledge comes with experience and understanding. Experience and understanding is the hallmark of wisdom. We can share our understanding with others, but everyone has to discover for themselves through experiences to find their understanding about life.  No one can take away our experiences because they become part of us. Our experiences live with us forever. Our experiences make us what we’re today.


Peace and Understanding

Inner Peace

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.”— Albert Einstein

A lack of peace is a lack of understanding. Understanding is about making sense out of our internal conflicts. Understanding is about being at peace with ourselves. We are better people when we are at peace with ourselves. A new understanding is in order when we need peace in our lives. Since we can’t force peace on others, we can be models of peace for others. Peace is about accepting and embracing our inner conflicts. Our experiences are the key to understanding something about being at peace with the self.




Are We Willing To Learn?


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.”— Mary Catherine Bateson

It is through our learnings that we experience life in our own unique way. It is through our learnings that we will have a greater understanding about life. It is through our learnings that will discover something about ourselves. It is through our learnings that we will create new meaningful experiences in everything we do.  Our willingness to learn opens up our mind to new horizons. When we get a better understanding about things and about ourselves, we can make better decisions to where we want to go in our lives. We understand that life is full of challenges and obstacles that we will face daily. The challenges and obstacles are in our lives only for us to grow beyond what we were yesterday.


Understanding Is Our Reward For Learning

Chalkboard, City Hall, Chicago

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to understand, we must be willing to learn. As long as we’re alive, we will continue to learn about something. There are things we choose not to learn, because we think it is too difficult to learn. Most of what we’ve learned was difficult at first to comprehend, but we plowed through and learned it. Patience is the key to learning. We must allow ourselves to learn at our own pace and not the pace of others. Some of us are quick learner while others are slow learner. We have different speeds when it comes to learning. We don’t have to feel left behind when it comes to learning. There will always be an opportunity to exercise the mind. When we learn something new, we experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that will always be a part of us.


Read, Learn And Apply

AP Language Reading
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Not only we ought to manage small projects but also we ought to manage one small project at a time because juggling multiple projects can easily overwhelm us.

It’s better to master one skill first than trying to learn multiple skills simultaneously. It’s easier for our brains to process learning one skill at one time.

When the skill is mastered, then we can learn to master another skill.  Some of us have the tendency to read and learn and read and learn again without ever applying it to something.

Instead, read the material, learn the material and then apply the material; that’s what makes things worthwhile mastering.

Creativity, Learning and Wondering

Written By Eugene Morgan

There will always be a battle between what we don’t see and what’s revealed to us. Creativity is not easily given away.  We must work for it. We have a lot of questions unanswered. Creativity is a glimpse of some of those answers that we seek.

Learning the wonderment of life is our entertainment.  Learning is entertaining.  Learning is seeking enlightenment. Life is our teacher; it’s a continuous learning.

When a flash of creativity opens up our minds, we experience an exhilarating feeling of understanding that we never experienced before.  Scientists, philosophers, spiritualists, and other leaders have given their lives for the quest of understanding and experience so as the rest of us, its human nature to search and wonder about life and how we play a part in the universe.

Pain means we’re still Alive

Do I love you, or is this feeling just a little pain?
Written By Eugene Morgan

We all tried to avoid pain as much as possible, but it would be terrible if we couldn’t feel anything. Our bodies communicate to our brains when we stubbed a toe or accidentally touched a hot burner.  If we didn’t have these experiences, it would be dangerous.

It would be a terrible experience if we no longer could speak, could walk, could hear, and could see.   Someone with a handicap who can’t move or walk, because of paralysis, would do anything to move, or to walk again.

Sometimes we take for granted all the things that we can do that we lose sight (no pun intended) of what is important in our lives.

Seeds of Ideas

Written by Eugene Morgan

“There is nothing more delightful than planting flower seeds and not knowing what kind of flowers are going to come up.” Milton Erickson

Erickson enjoyed planting seeds of ideas to his patients, students and subjects to get them into another training of thought.  When we get stuck into certain train of thought, it is hard to get out.   Like this quote, “The way out is through the  door.  Why is it that no one will use this exit?” Confucius.  What seem obvious to one person, isn’t alway obvious to another who’s thinking a certain way that’s not useful. We all have experienced someone pointing something out to us that seems obvious to them; and then it dawns on us what’s so obvious about it. After it dawn on us, we feel silly and ask ourselves why didn’t we think of that before. It’s also like an “aha” moment when we get after looking for solution. Then when we see things in hindsight , it seems so clear to us now.

Make It Simple

Simple Flower
Written Eugene Morgan

“And one usually starts with rather simple things. Because human beings are essentially, fundamentally, rather simple creatures.” Milton Erickson

Sometimes we make things so complicated, however, Erickson says because we’re simple creatures, we should make things simple.  When learning something new, its seems complicated at first. However, it’s easier to grabs something new if we take it in a bit at a time.  But using this approach can test our patience because it’s time consuming. So patience is just another thing to learn to do, if we want to make learning something simple.

We probably make things complicated because it’s an excuse to avoid learning something new—whether it’s about ourselves, or a situation.  We know that learning something new adds knowledge. And knowledge is only power if it’s used and not avoided.

Another thing why we make things so complicated, it’s that we use the wrong frame of mind.  Before we can get a new frame of mind, we need to begin learning something about it.  As we learn something about it, we then begin to think about what we just learned. When we find the right frame of mind in the situation then we can see clearly how to go ahead with things.