Troubles & Blessings

Happy Ramadhan, Eid Mubarak - عيد فطر مبارك

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.”— William Penn

It is easy to discount the positive while we’re experiencing an unpleasant event in our lives. However, it is okay to look at both the positive and negative side of things. The negative side of things can be a learning experience and an opportunity for personal growth. It is normal to experience anger, grief and frustration during an unpleasant event. We shouldn’t deny and push down our emotions about an unpleasant event that causes a normal reaction to things. When counting our blessing, our attention is refocused on something that brings happiness to us once again. We have no control over when an unpleasant event occurs, but we do have control over where we can place our attention whether that is on our blessings or on our troubles.



Sometimes It Rains And Sometimes It Doesn’t


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Life is much better if sometimes it rains and sometimes it doesn’t.” ~ Milton Erickson

If we get sunshine everyday, we won’t appreciate the sun. If everything we do comes easy, we will never feel a satisfaction of doing hard work. Just as there are constant changes in the weather, there are changes in our lives. We want things to go smoothly every time. But there will always be delays, distractions and challenges for us to go through. This is part of life. For us to appreciate sunny days, it must rain. For us to appreciate our health, sometimes we catch a cold.  Life is not all negatives or all positives, but life has both negatives and positives. The negative experiences help us to grow while the positive experiences help us to experience and appreciate the joys of life in a meaningful way.

Discounting the Positives

Calm Lake

Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we let one unpleasant event discount our whole day. We find ourselves recalling the event that happened many hours ago to forget about what good things did happen. It is inevitable that unpleasant events will happen and it is inevitable pleasant events will happen as well. Constantly replaying the unpleasant event will only stress us out. Instead, we can start thinking about the pleasant events that occurred that would relax us and lower our stress level to normal.  It takes practice to count the positives that’s always happening in our lives. We have to look for them and when we do find them, we should cherish them as our own because they are our own experiences.