Retreat To Our Sanctuary

Autumn Sanctuary

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” — 

For us to sit quietly for a moment or two, we must let go of the external events that are happening around us. When external things are stressing us out, then it is okay to retreat. The benefits of retreating are to help us to renew our bodies and reset our minds so we can have a better handle on things. When we renew our bodies, we have more energy, and when we reset our minds, we have clearer understanding on things. Our sanctuary is within us where we can be ourselves and feel freer to contemplate and we just sit still until we’re ready to return back to the world. We can’t be most effective when we’re burned out and unfocused but after some time away we want to return to do the work as the world welcome us back.


[bctt tweet=”Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.— Hermann Hesse”]