When Miracles Start

The miracle /:ðə,ðɪ,ðiː ˈmɪrək(ə)l:/

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”— Richard Wilkins

If we only focus more on our dreams, then we won’t have much time thinking about our fears. Self-doubt only delays progress and without the hope of starting a new project. We have a choice to use our energy to either be preoccupied with nagging doubts or to use the energy we have to make our dreams real.  We ought to acknowledge that we have trepidations about starting something new, but those anxieties shouldn’t stop us from doing something that will fulfill and satisfy our lives today. We fear things because we don’t know what’s going to happen. We want to anticipate and feel control over the outcome. We will make mistakes, mistakes that we can learn from and tweak and make adjustments.

Breaking Through

breaking through the jumbled ice
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all know that we have potential. We forget that our potential is in each one of us. In some ways when we forget about the potential within us, then we don’t look for opportunity to develop the skills that come out of our potential. Another reason we may forget about our potentials because we know what it takes for us to develop them into a skill. No matter how we slice it, to develop any skill, it’s going to take some effort. We don’t have to feel overwhelmed about the amount of effort needed to develop something. Breaking out of an old routine into a new routine is where most our efforts will be.

It’s Okay To Push Yourself, A Little

Outros Pontos de Vista! Cores Diversas
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s okay to push ourselves a little to get the ball rolling. It’s okay to put a little pressure on ourselves when we want to meet a deadline. However, we don’t want to keep the pressure on us for hours on end, we do need to take breaks during this process so we can be most effective in completing the task we want done. Sometimes we do need a push to start a project for sure when we’re procrastinating. And putting on a little pressure on ourselves can help us to determine what our limitation are as well as our strengths. Sometimes, we assume some things we think we can’t do without trying it first. Even trying it once doesn’t really mean anything unless we keep at it until there is progress made.


Finishing Unfinished Work


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Two things rob people of their peace of mind: work unfinished and work not yet begun. ~ Anon

A lot of us can relate to this above quote. Many times we say to ourselves that we got to do this and we got to that. And we find ourselves still looking at the unfinished work that has waited a year or so for us to complete. We find ourselves having too many things we want to do but we’re split in all directions wondering what we should do first. We waste time thinking about what to do next instead of just choosing something to complete. We can make it a practice and do what needs done. We have all experienced completing things. We just need to put this learning of completing things in other parts of our lives that’s lacking.

To Become A Warrior

Warrior & Horse

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

To meet a challenge, we must become warriors. A warrior is willing to make sacrifices to meet his or her goals. Having the archetype of a warrior is important when it comes to completing our goals. To start something new, we need the warrior’s mentality to move mountains. We need the strength and the will of a warrior in spite of our feelings, distractions— which we will carry through what we set out to do. A warrior believes that he or she is expected to win. A warrior is willing to fight for a cause that could improve the lives of self and others.  A warrior is expected to rise when life challenges are difficult.

Time, Effort, Progress

Earth Sapphire Progress Picture-3 16-july-2011
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Progress is made when we put in the time.  Progress is made when we do what is important first. It’s always nice to look back on how much progress we have made on something. Progress means that we are moving towards our goal. We are getting closer to finishing the race. Progress is self-improvement, knowing that we have done sometimes we hold dear to our hearts. We experience a feeling of accomplishment when we work so hard to achieve. We have fallen many times, but we have gotten back up, because it takes getting back up and never giving up on our dreams.

Finding Your Labor Of Love

Bowl of Fruit

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We won’t know what we can do, if we don’t try. How can we find what we’re good at, if we don’t try? Some of us won’t try because we have a fear of the unknown. Fear can be use as an excuse for not knowing what we’re capable of doing. Even when we have the potential or the genes for it, we still need to work on it, to develop it and to mold it. If we were to ask ourselves what things that are holding us back, it would be commitment, time and labor; these are the ingredients for success if we want to make things happen. If we are willing to make the sacrifice and put in the effort, then the possibility is greater to see the fruit of our labor.

But We Can Change Our Future

Five Past Eleven

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

There is nothing we can do about our past, but we can change our future. If we don’t like the way our life is going, then we can start making a change now. We don’t have to wait for change to come, instead we can make the initiative to change things now. Now is the best time to start a change, because if we start to change things tomorrow, tomorrow may turn into weeks, weeks may turn into months, months may turn into one year, one year may turn into two years, and so on. Two years could have been enough time do what’s needed to alter our future. The decisions we make now will influence our future.   If we want to alter our future, then we must start meeting our goals we set for ourselves today.

The More You Put in, The More You Get

Colorful Art
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The more we put in, the more we get something out of it. So if we’re not putting in the effort, then we won’t have a feeling of satisfaction.  So what are the benefits of putting more into our goals? We have an opportunity to learn something about the subject. If it is exercise, then there is a health benefit. If it is education, then it may improve our chances of getting higher paying job. When we put in the time and effort, we get a return. Our returns from our efforts don’t necessarily means money. Our returns may be a feeling of satisfaction, having a purpose or desire or just being content doing what we enjoy.

When Feelings Come and Go

wind turbines
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Feelings come and feelings go. We ought to realize we can’t depend on feelings when it comes to starting and completing a project or a task. But most of the time we do feel good after working hard all day.

Even the smallest things we do can give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Starting something new can be the hardest thing to overcome, because we’re truly battling with our thoughts, questioning us about whether this will be worth our time and energy.

These internal conflicts can be settled if we think about the pros and the cons of tasks and what are the risks.

The part of us that’s resistance to starting something new just want to be assured that we’re going to get something out of it, such as, payment, enjoyment, experience, and reward that will help us in the long run.

Risks will always be involved in anything we do. Mistakes big or small will happen. Mistakes are for us to learn and improve.

Having a Mindset or not, we Still have to Work

Corn field

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Having a mindset is very useful when it comes to reaching our goals. With a change in mindset or not, we still have to do the work to reach our goals.

As we’re working towards our goals, our minds will begin to switch into another way of thinking. A mindset can help evoke motivation.

However, motivation can also come from the amount of hard work that has been accomplished over time.

Having a feeling of accomplishment is a nice feeling after a long day of work in that we can look back and see how much was done.

Most of us get a feeling of satisfaction no matter how difficult the work so long there is progress made towards our goal.

Action Always Guarantees The Possibility of Success

Man on the moon
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is true that our actions always guarantee the possibility of success. Our actions gives us more than what we hope for when we don’t expect something in return.

Our actions can lead us to opportunities that would have been missed if we hadn’t made any action towards our goals. Action is what built great things like the pyramids, the rocket that took humans to the moon, the Internet, and developed a vaccine for polio.

Children watch the actions of their parents and their teachers to learn and be guided. When we watch someone’s action, we’re learning how certain things are performed. Action is a very powerful tool.

Our actions can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others if we do more of it.

Goal Setting

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Yesterday was January 1, 2012. And today is now a new day to begin this year. It’s time to set new goals for this New Year. Some of us have long-term goals and some of us have short-term goals we want to complete.

Goals can help us to focus on what we want and need to do to complete a goal. Goals can keeps us from getting lost. So if we write a list of things we want to do, this will make our goals more concrete.

It’s hard to pinpoint what we need to do, if we just keep our goals just in our head. And the next thing we can do is make a to-do-list so we know what our plans are to complete the goal


Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul
Written by Eugene Morgan

‎”The person that has the most to do with what happens to you is you. It’s not somebody else.” Dr. Ben Carson

This quote above falls in line with Milton Erickson’s philosophy in that we have the power within ourselves to improve our situation, if we choose to.  We have it within our control to succeed if we put in the labor that is necessary to get there.  Once we realize that we make the most what happens to us, and then we can direct our energy and align our mind, body and soul to what we want in life. There is freedom in knowing that we can control our path to where we want to go in our lives. There is no freedom in blaming external realities.  Blaming external realities only keeps us prisoners in our self-denial. Instead, let us get out of self-denial and into self-discovery.

The Answers Within

Inquire Within (T-Shirt)

Written by Eugene Morgan

“I don’t need to know what your problem is for you to correct it.” Milton Erickson

Erickson is saying in the above quote, is that we have it in ourselves to correct our problems.  Sometimes, we just need someone to steer us in the right direction.  The answers are within each of us.  We just need to learn how to get access to them.  Sometimes, we don’t listen to our inner voice that’s telling us the answers.   Erickson is also saying that it’s our responsibility to correct our own problems. No one can really correct our problems for us.  The problem really is about changing our perspective on our reality.

Enjoy in the Process

Finish Line

Written by Eugene Morgan

“We learn our goals only in the process of getting there.” Milton Erickson

When setting our goals we tend to look at the product, instead of enjoying the process itself. Part of the process is about learning something new. Something  about learning new things enriches our lives and keeps things refreshing—and, completing our goals is just the icing on the cake. The truth is, the process can get painful at times. But it’s the struggle that makes us stronger in the long run and makes that icing on the cake sweeter at the end. The process changes us for the better. It makes us better people


“I win Olympic Championships”

Written by Eugene Morgan

“Out of a wheelchair I win Olympic championships all the time.” Milton Erickson

As you can see from most of Erickson’s quotes, he’s good at turning a phrase. It’s interesting how he links “a wheelchair” with winning “olympic championships” together. The message he wants us to get is that in spite of  our limitations, we don’t have to yield to them.  Erickson made himself an example for people around him that he set goals and carry them out even in a wheelchair. All of us have different kinds of limitations that get in the way of our goals. Erickson wants us to stop looking at our  limitations, and start looking toward our goals we set  and win championships. It’s also interesting that Erickson didn’t say he won the state, national, or international championships, he said Olympic championships.  In other words, he’s saying be unafraid to go for the big win—go for gold!