From Good To Better

sunny street

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something better. — 

The first thing we think of when making a change is that we may lose something good. The reality is that we will lose something good. But for us to move forward on life’s journey we must make some changes. The change will always be inevitable. Change requires of us to make an extra effort in learning a new skill and learning a new routine. Therefore, in learning something new, we gain something even better than we’ve done before. During this process of change and learning, we gain confidence in ourselves. There is nothing better than having confidence in one’s self. Resisting changes make things even more difficult.  Since change is inevitable, we might as well embrace change instead on resisting change.


[bctt tweet=”Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something better. — Unknown”]