Blessings and Lessons


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come into your life as lessons.— Mother Teresa

We learn a lot about ourselves when we’re dealing with a difficult person. We learn how anger we can get. We learn what we dislike about that person. We want to change them to the way we think they should behave. Some of the things we have difficulty with about another person are just a reflection of what we dislike about ourselves. It’s the parts we hate that we reflect on others. We all have foibles that we have to accept about ourselves and begin looking at the things we do like about ourselves and to start looking for those positive things or traits in others. We ought to see the whole person instead of just singling out negative traits.

[bctt tweet=”Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come into your life as lessons.— Mother Teresa”]


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