All That We Are


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” ― Gautama Buddha

Our thinking is the result of our personality. We express our personality through our thoughts. It’s through our thoughts we express our feelings. We have a conscious and an unconscious mind. Consciously, we can only see in part, a very small part of reality while our unconscious mind sees more than we can consciously.  Whatever emotions we’re feeling and thoughts that are swirling in and out of our conscious mind, we are unconsciously predetermined.

Being unconsciously predetermined doesn’t mean we have no control over our lives. Sometimes we don’t know why we feel a certain way, maybe because we’re unaware of the thinking that’s producing the feelings that we’re experiencing. That’s when we should ask ourselves what is it that we’re thinking that’s producing this feeling. And then, we can change our thinking by either challenging the thought or just simply replace the thought with positive ones.


2 thoughts on “All That We Are

  1. MEM

    You’re welcome. Thank you for registering to


  2. Tonya

    Thank you for sharing

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