Accepting All Parts of Us

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Do we know ourselves? If we knew more about ourselves, we could make better decisions. It’s all right to have our likes as well as know about our dislikes. It’s all right to have strengths as well as know about our weaknesses.

It’s all right to feel vulnerable in front of close friends. It’s all right to feel  secure in ourselves as well as know about our insecurities.  Life isn’t about being perfect but being genuine and honest with ourselves, which means to accept all parts of us.

We’re more accepting of each other when we show our humanity and our vulnerability than if we show our superiority.  Showing superiority is only a cover up for feeling inferior.

It’s all right to know that about ourselves, because when we see this superiority complex in others, we’re not so quick to react to them but to express our understanding and acceptance.

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