A Lesson Learned

Life Lessons (Explored)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending.  ― Chico Xavier

We go through life learning lessons or we can take our experiences as lessons. If we carefully examined our lives, we then would find that there is a theme. The theme in our lives usually stems from how we grew up and are raised. If we have a re-occurring theme, then we’re still learning, or we haven’t learned what we suppose to have learned. We hold on to a belief that’s been out of date. The belief that needs to be updated. It’s nice to have insight about the ‘why,’ however, it is better to learn the ‘what’ because we can develop a plan that can be useful for a change. Although, the ‘why’ can give us insight, the ‘what’ is more concrete and accessible to grab a hold.


[bctt tweet=”Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending. ― Chico Xavier”]


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